4:30 - 10:30 PM

Coming to Tampa, Florida



University of South Florida

Empower Yourself to Engage Christians with Insight and Scholarly Depth

After you walk out of this academic conference you will be empowered to engage with Christians in an intelligent, academic, kind and meaningful way, in shā' Allāh.

Don’t think you need this?

Here is why this is important for YOU:

Because Christians:

… are YOUR Co-workers, Friends & Neighbors.

… make up 63% of the population (210 Million) of YOUR country.

… form a powerful voting bloc that can influence the situation of YOUR brothers and sisters in Gaza

… believe YOUR worldview is FALSE.

How effectively can YOU make an intelligent, academic & eloquent case for the Islamic worldview?


The Najran Case Study - The Prophet's ﷺ Dawah to Christians

Dawah to Christians online has been relegated to the domain of debate across prominent youtube channels, instagram shorts of speaker’s corner debates, etc. Conversely, on-site, many masjids’ outreach programs center around innocuous interfaith discussions. With these polar opposite approaches, which one should a person employ? The obvious answer would be to look at how Christians were approached by the best da’ie to walk the face of the earth: The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

In this unique session, we analyze the dawah of the Prophet ﷺ to the Christians of Najran, not only studying the specific rational arguments that were presented in the Qur’an but also the minute points of emotional intelligence that were exhibited by the Prophet ﷺ.

Navigating Denominations - The Story of Christian Schisms

What’s the difference between Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, etc? Why are there so many Christian denominations? What led to the splits, reforms, and movements that shaped Christianity as we know it today? Join us for this fascinating exploration of the historical events, theological debates, and human stories that fractured and redefined Christianity over the centuries.

In this lecture, we’ll journey through pivotal moments in church history—like the Great Schism of 1054 that split Eastern Orthodoxy from Roman Catholicism, the Protestant Reformation ignited by Martin Luther, and the rise of modern evangelicalism and non-denominational churches. You’ll gain insight into the core beliefs that unite Christians, as well as the controversies and cultural forces that drove them apart.

This is more than a history lesson—it’s a dawah tool. Join us for an opportunity to understand how theology, politics, and human ambition shaped the faith of billions.

Beyond the Pages: Understanding approaches of studying sacred texts

How should sacred texts like the Bible and Qur’an be studied? This lecture explores four key approaches: devotional, Christian fundamentalist, the Historical Critical Method (HCM), and Muslim perspectives. While the devotional and fundamentalist methods will be briefly outlined, the focus will be on the HCM and its philosophical underpinnings, as well as Muslim approaches to biblical scholarship.

We will discuss these questions:
- In the light of the far from neutral philosophical assumptions underpinning the HCM, should Muslim students study in the western academy?
- Can a form of the HCM purified of its naturalistic philosophy be salvaged?

We will consider the work of Professor Nicolai Sinai of Oxford University, focusing on his book: The Qur'an: A Historical-Critical Introduction. As a role model for Islamic Biblical Scholarship, we will also discuss Shabbir Akhtar’s sophisticated and erudite Muslim study of the Bible, The New Testament in Muslim Eyes: Paul's Letter to the Galatians. Join us to explore these transformative approaches to sacred texts and their broader paradigmatic implications!

The Jewish Context of Jesus and his followers

“Here is a paradox of world-historical proportions: Jewish Christianity indeed disappeared within the Christian church, but was preserved in Islam.”
~ Hans-Joachim Schoeps, religious historian and philosopher.

Discover why understanding Jesus in his Jewish context changes everything! Historians have long shown that the Christ of the Christian faith and the first century Jewish Jesus of Palestine are worlds apart.

We will look at the textual and historical evidence that demonstrates the remarkable convergence between the historical Jesus uncovered by the Western academy and the Jesus of the Qur’an. We will also look at James the brother of Jesus and how he can serve as a desperately needed link between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

It is more than intriguing that the Muslim understanding of Jesus is very much in conformity with the first Christian orthodoxy - the original Jewish Christian understanding of Jesus. If Jewish Christianity had prevailed over Pauline Christianity, history would likely have been written quite differently. It is quite likely that such atrocities as the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Holocaust would never have transpired. If the Jewish Christian understanding of Jesus had prevailed, Jews and Christians might never have parted ways, and Islam would never have become Christianity’s perceived enemy. We will look at these topics in detail and show how the Islamic Jesus is the real Jesus, the Christ of history.

The Secret Lives of Mormon Missionaries - Mormonism Explained

You may have seen young men wearing short sleeve dress shirts, riding bikes, traveling in pairs to take the message of Joseph Smith to the masses. Perhaps they may have even knocked on your door and asked for a few minutes of your time. Who are they? What do they believe? What methods do they use in their missionary activities to Muslims?

A quick internet search will reveal that very little has been written and published by Muslims on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (i.e. Mormons). In this ground breaking session, we uncover the theology, praxis and familial structure of the Mormon faith and provide a much needed introduction to Mormonism from an Islamic lens.

The Fallacy of Christian Zionism

Evangelical voters make up roughly 25% of the electorate having considerable influence on the Republican party. Many Evangelicals have a distinct view on Palestinians, Muslims and Islam that is informed by Christian Zionism and this view is reinforced in church sermons Sunday after Sunday.

In this session, we venture through a brief history of Christian Zionism and unravel key fallacies in the movement that would help the da’ie in conversations with their Christian friends and neighbors.

Challenging Conventions & Proving Prophethood: The Miracles of Jesus (as)

Discover the untold perspective on Jesus (as), we dive into the miracles attributed to him in Islam. This thought-provoking lecture explores how Jesus’ extraordinary signs not only challenged societal norms but also served as powerful proofs of his prophethood. From speaking as a baby to healing the blind, these miracles are more than divinely sanctioned acts—they’re profound lessons in faith, submission, and purpose. Whether you're curious about the intersection of faiths or seeking to deepen your understanding of Jesus in Islam, this session promises an engaging journey through theology, spirituality, and history. Don’t miss this unique exploration of divine wisdom!

"God is Love": The 2000 Year Old False Propaganda Campaign

In the collective American psyche it is assumed that the God of Islam is a fierce war-like deity, in contrast to the God of Christianity, who is one of love and mercy. In this session, we interrogate this assumption and present 5 cogent arguments to demonstrate that the opposite is true. Three initial arguments will be presented demonstrating that the Christian (Biblical) conception of God’s love is NOT maximally perfect, in other words it is deficient and flawed. We will follow this up with 2 arguments as to why the Islamic conception of God’s love IS maximally perfect.

Speaker Line-up



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Sheikh Hassan Sultan is currently the Imam and Director and founder of TMC ( The Muslim Connection) in Tampa, Florida. He is heavily involved in Dawah projects, activism, and also serves on the leadership of NAIF, a national Imams organization.



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Sh. Fahad Tasleem is a research fellow and instructor at The Sapience Institute. He is the author of the book, "No Doubt: Finding Certainty in an Age of Uncertainty". Fahad's research areas at Sapience focus on Islamic Theo-Philosophy & Spirituality. He holds a BA in Economics from Michigan State University, an MSc in Business from the University of Southern California and Graduate Studies in Middle Eastern Studies with a focus on Islamic Theology from the University of Texas at Austin. Fahad is a student, researcher teacher of various Islamic sciences and is currently pursuing his Phd in Islamic Thought from the International Islamic University of Malaysia.



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Paul Williams studied philosophy and theology at the University of London. He is a convert from Christianity to Islam. Paul is the founder of the celebrated comparative religions platform ‘Blogging Theology’, which brings together some of the world’s most prominent theologians and scholars, of numerous religious backgrounds, in a unique and much-loved intellectual forum. He travels widely, delivering lectures on diverse theological questions all across the world. He has featured in the 2024 and 2025 editions of The Muslim 500: The World’s Most Influential Muslims.



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Anwar Arafat is an Imam for the Islamic Association of Greater Memphis. In Memphis since 2014, he moved here from Salt Lake City, UT, where he was born and raised, and served as an imam for several years. Arafat has traveled and lived overseas, completing his religious education locally and abroad, earning a bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies, and most recently finishing a master’s degree in Islamic Leadership at the Islamic Seminary of America (TISA) in Dallas, Texas. He’s the U.S. Outreach Specialist for iERA, an international Dawah organization.



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Hamza Andreas Tzortzis is the founder and CEO of Sapience Institute. He is the author of the best-selling book: ‘The Divine Reality: God, Islam and The Mirage of Atheism’. It has been translated into over 10 languages. He has an MRes, MA and a PgCert in Philosophy from the University of London. He is currently pursuing his PhD on the Qur’ān and its verses pertaining to nature. He has studied Islamic Thought and Theology under qualified scholars. Hamza has a professional background in project and programme management, charity governance and operations, and has worked as a consultant for the public and private sector. He was the CEO of iERA from April 2017 until February 2020, where he and his team developed sector-leading robust systems, processes and procedures. He grew the organisation by over 500%, with an international operational growth of over 1000%.
22  -  2  -  25

Empower Yourself to Engage Christians with Insight and Scholarly Depth



Insightful lectures by a variety of speakers.

Learn how the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ engaged with Christians.

Understand the historical and theological development of the Trinity.

Examine evidence of the Prophet in Christian scriptures.

Time: 4:30 - 10:30PM


The "Christianity Through an Islamic Lens" conference is a one-day academic event organized by Sapience Institute, designed to equip Muslims with the knowledge and tools to engage in meaningful and academic discussions with Christians. The event focuses on exploring Christianity from an Islamic perspective, covering various historical, theological, and contemporary topics.
This conference is ideal for Muslims interested in understanding Christianity more deeply, whether for personal knowledge or to engage with Christian co-workers, friends, and neighbors. It's particularly useful for those involved in dawah, interfaith dialogue, or anyone who wants to make an eloquent and academic case for the Islamic worldview.
The conference will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 4:30PM - 10:30PM, at the University of South Florida
The conference features a variety of sessions that explore different aspects of Christian theology and history from an Islamic perspective. Topics include: The Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ dawah to Christians Christian views on sex, sin, and salvation versus Islamic perspectives The historical development of the Trinity before and after Nicaea The influence of Christian Zionism on modern political dynamics An examination of Mormonism and its missionary efforts The role of Paul in shaping modern Christianity and its divergence from the teachings of Jesus (as)
The event features distinguished speakers with expertise in Islamic and Christian theology, including: Paul Williams, Fahad Tasleem, Anwar Arafat, Hamza Andreas Tzortzis, Hassan Sultan
This conference addresses the need for Muslims to engage with Christians—who make up a large portion of society—in an informed, kind, and intellectual manner. Given the significant role Christians play in shaping societal views and policies, understanding their beliefs is crucial. The sessions aim to empower attendees with knowledge to communicate the Islamic worldview effectively and respectfully.
Yes, the conference is structured to benefit individuals at all levels, from beginners to those with advanced knowledge of Christian and Islamic theology. The sessions will offer both foundational insights and in-depth academic discussions.
Yes, the conference includes sessions that address contemporary ideological issues, such as the rise of the LGBTQ+ movement and its challenges to Christian and Islamic values, as well as the political influence of Christian Zionism on Muslim communities.
Unfortunately, tickets are non-refundable. However, since we are a non-profit organization, all funds collected are used to support the work of Sapience Institute which is committed to developing, supporting and empowering individuals and organizations to intellectually share and defend Islam.